Improve your Spanish with Writescribir

Answer one simple question every day to improve your language skills, correct others, and receive corrections on your writing. A simple and focused tool with a feature rich free version, no ads, and no spam.


For me, writing daily - either through journaling on paper, participation on Reddit's /r/WriteStreakES, using a language exchange app, or ideally, all of the above, really helped me improve my Spanish. So I am creating a tool to help others do the same.


Consistency is key

Daily writing prompts keep you on track and keep your streak going.

Automatic AI Corrections

Integration with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 API to provide automatic corrections to your writing.

Make mistakes, get corrected

Read, learn from, and correct other learners. Get corrections from others.

Keep the streak alive

Write every day to keep your streak alive, and keep your Spanish fresh in your mind.

How does it work?

Sign up for an account, and start writing! Simple as that. There is new writing prompt generated every day, and answering it in will keep your streak going for the day. You can also correct other people's writing, and get corrections on your own writing (from real people, and from AI).

Past QuestionsAbout